Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Kumpulan Puisi

Indahnya Alam Negri Ini
Kicauan burung terdengar merdu
Menandakan adanya hari yang baru
Indahnya alam ini membuatku terpaku
Seperti dunia hanya untuk diriku
Ku pejamkan mataku sejenak
Ku rentangkan tanganku sejenak
Sejuk, Tenang, senang kurasakan
Membuatku seperti melayang kegirangan
Wahai pencipta alam
Kekagumanku sulit untuk ku pendam
Dari siang hingga malam
Pesonanya tak pernah padam
Desiran angin yang berirama di pegunungan
Tumbuhan yang menari-nari di pegunungan
Begitu indah rasanya
Bak indahnya taman di surga
Keindahan alam terasa sempurna
Membuat semua orang terpana
Membuat semua orang terkesima
Tetapi, Kita harus menjaganya
Agar keindahanya takkan pernah Sima.
Puisi dari (Ronny Maharianto)

Aku Sahabatmu
Kau dan hatimu
Menemani hilir hulu hidupku
Tak perduli dalam panas dan hujan
Dalam gelap dan terang
Kau ada dalam jemari kehidupanku
Menjadi huruf - huruf di lembaran ceritaku
Dan aku menatap haru, Saat kau berkata
Aku sahabatmu, Kini dan nanti.

Suara Sunyi
Awan hitam melukis langit putih
Burung gagak terbang dengan letih
Debu debu jalanan tersorot lampu kota
 Lalu lalang kendaraan seperti riuh ombak samudra
Suara suara yang tak sampai kepada kata
Adalah doa sunyi yang maha
Hembusan nafas serpihan perih
Menebarkan kemurnian cinta dengan lirih
Pohon pohon yang tenang merunduk sepi
Sinar rembulan menelanjangi malam Keruh air code tak bisa bersembunyi
Tiga ekor belibis berbaris menjadi saksi
Gelapnya gua cermai mengurung kesunyian
Rumput rumput liar menutupi batu batu
Harapan dan luka selalu menyatu
Dan sejarah selalu bercengkrama dengan waktu
Jogjakarta 25-0 4-2013 Puisi Karya Jevi Adhi Nugraha


Mutiara Kebersamaan
Sahabat, kehidupan ini tak lain adalah hamparan samudera luas
Kita renangi dan kita selami kedalamannya
Untuk mencari tiram di dasarnya, dan kita petik mutiaranya
Bahwa selalu ada yang bermakna pada setiap kehadiran dan pertemuan
Dengan bahtera tulus kebersamaan kita berlayar
Untuk saling menjaga dan saling percaya
Dan saat ini.. Saat dimana kita harus lalui waktu
Waktu dimana kita harus mulai maju
Maju untuk sesuatu harapan baru
Mungkin saat ini kita akan berpisah
Namun semua itu hanyalah sementara
Karena aku akan kembali dan harus kembali
Bukan untuk sekedar mengenang dan melihat
Puing-puing masa lalu bersama mu
Namun karena di sini lah tanah kelahiranku
Dimana ada engkau dan orang-orang terdekatku
Oleh Ali Athi Ullah

Harapan Hampa
Saat bersamamu begitu indah
Canda dan tawa selalu ada
Bahagia sangat terasa
Seakan tak ada duka
Impian tuk meniti bahagia terangkai
Semua begitu tampak nyata
Namun kini telah sirna
Kau menjauh tinggalkan diriku sendiri
Tak tahu lagi aku harus apa?
Tuk mengobati luka ini
Tuk menghapus duka ini
Yang ada hanyalah harapan hampa
Mimpi itu telah musnah
Bahagia itu telah sirna
Kini yang ada hanya duka
Berteman air mata
Puisi by : Rodiyah A

I prefer poetry from Ronny Maharianto which tells about the natural beauty of our country that we really feel.

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Rencana Kedepan

My plans after college wants to work in the banking world pengennya anyway but if that path is not there also was not anything too maksain engga should there have savings for my future ahead. After that I want happy parents and Sodara-Sodara me from my work. In addition I would like traveling together with my friends inside and outside the country and the country you want me kunjungin japanese or korean i'd love to visit there together with my friends because the country is quite interesting to dikunjungin for its natural beauty and after college I want visit the paradise island of bali to celebrate the graduation at once refreshing before looking for work. Furthermore, there are plans to get married at the age of twenty-four to twenty-five years with her boyfriend hopefully my soulmate.

Pancake Flavour restaurant that serves a variety of pancakes that time I visited with my friends, after returning to college we starve want to eat the sweet-scented when we visited a mall in Depok after walking around the mall we found a restaurant that serves a menu favourite pancakes but the restaurant also serves a lunch menu and a variety of interesting drinks and fresh.

An image above is the pancakes that my message is named Bananarama pancakes served with vanilla ice cream, baked banana butter, chocolate topping and chocolate sprinkles everything is synonymous with chocolate. I am very happy with the food that is flavorful chocolate, so I ordered the menu faint taste of pancakes plus the cold ice cream flavor and the sweetness of the chocolate makes the atmosphere becomes increasingly cool to linger to chat this place along with my friends.

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Toefl is a form of the English language test designed to measure a person's mastery of the English language, especially those who use English as a foreign language (foreign language).

Based on the medium used, Toefl now has three types, namely Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT), Computer-Based TOEFL, and Internet-Based TOEFL (IBT) :
1. Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) is a type of test is the oldest and most widely used because they still use paper media (paper based). Answer sheets that are used are also using paper answer sheet.
2. Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT) is a type of computer-based tests used since 1998. This test type has been using computer technology. The format used is different because everyone uses a computer and no more paper used in this test.
3. Internet-Based TOEFL (IBT) is a recent TOEFL test types that were adopted since 2005. This species is widely used with the advances in internet technology.

In order to obtain a high score, make sure you make preparations and habits that support to take the TOEFL test, which is a common strategy to follow the TOEFL test is:
1. Follow the TOEFL preparation courses = courses and learned books TOEFL preparation (TOEFL Preparation).
2. Practice as often as possible with materials TOEFL preparation, both for the Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, or Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. Work on the problems that exist and analyze your weaknesses to work on the problems.
3. Practise specifically for Listening Comprehension section via CD or exercise tapes. You also need to watch a lot of TV shows or movies that use English.
4. Study analyzes on questions compiled by the authors of TOEFL test preparation.
5. To the Structure, learn not only the rules of grammar but also the mistakes that appear most frequently (Common Mistakes) because many problems arise from the use of English common mistakes.
6. Enrich your knowledge of vocabulary and expressions (Idiom) because this term is widely used in Vocabulary or Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension.

Verb is a word or phrase that reveals the presence, actions, and experiences. There are two kinds of verbs in the English language, which is the main verb (main verb) and helpers (auxiliary verb). At various grammar book called auxiliary verb (auxiliary verb) for use with the main verb (main verb).
 Example :
1.  He wanted to speak with Mr Brown
2.  In my opinion, it is too soon to make a decision
3.  She is considering not going
4. We wouldn’t mind waiting
5. They did it very well after they had practiced

Sumber : Buku Cerdas TOEFL 
                2012 KARISMA Publishing Group
                Drs. R. Suyoto Bakir

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2

TTPertama, produksi adalah penciptaan jasa atau perubahan bahan ke dalam suatu produk. salah satu contoh adalah konversi dari bijih besi menjadi bagian mobil logam. selanjutnya produk ini perlu dipindahkan dari pabrik ke pasar. ini dikenal sebagai proses distribusi. Sebuah mobil mungkin dipindahkan dari sebuah pabrik di Detroit ke sebuah dealer mobil di Miami

first, production is the creation of services or the changing of materials into product. one example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. next these products need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace. this is known as distribution. A car might be moved from a factory in Detroit to a car dealership in Miami.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
The main idea of paragraph 1 is a definition of business is the production,distribution,and sale of goods and services for a profit

2. How does the modern meaning of business differ from traditional one?
The concepts  and activities of business have increased in modern time. Traditionaly, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. 

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
Definition of  Production and distribution of car

4. What is ‘Production’?
Production is the creation of services or the changing of materials into products.

5. What is distribution ?
Product need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace

6. How do goods differ from service ?
Goods are products which people either need or want.Services,on the other hand,are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization

7. What is ‘Sale?
Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money.

8. How many factors are there in bsiness ? what are they ?
3, Production, distribution and sale

9. What is profit ?
Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid

10. What is the primary goal of business activity ?
Creating an economic surplus or profit